“Fierce Armenian”. a book presenting the Armenian metal scene was published in France
After working on a book about Armenian metal bands for about a year, in 2021 Francois Marten and Maxance Smaniotto handed over to the French reader “Furie Armenien”, a book representing the metal field of Armenia and the Armenian diaspora from 1965 to the present day.
Maxen and Francois believe that the Armenian spirit found refuge in Armenian metal music, mixing traditional music, legends and foreign influences, thus often producing surprising results. In the roots of their work are the musicians who created this environment in Armenia starting from Soviet Armenia to the present day.
The authors hope that the book will bring a little warmth to Armenian rock and metal lovers in these difficult days. The book is planned to be translated into Armenian as well. Until then, you can get the French book by following this link.
The book also includes exclusive interviews with Ian Gillan and other famous band musicians